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Rochelle Brandt, Student Therapist
Oct 1, 20183 min read
Is The Shift In Seasons Affecting Your Mood?
At one point or another, we have all experienced how the weather and change in seasons can affect our mood. Waking up on a dark, cold,...
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Rochelle Brandt, Student Therapist
Jun 21, 20182 min read
How To Support Someone who is Suicidal
Suicide is a common occurrence, yet we still don’t feel comfortable talking about it. Why is that? Over the past year, we have heard...
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Rochelle Brandt, Student Therapist
May 18, 20182 min read
Why Everyone Can Benefit from Psychotherapy (Including you!)
At some point in everyone’s life, there will come a time when we require extra support. Unfortunately, therapeutic support is often...
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Guest Writer: Sarah Marandi-Steeves
Apr 9, 20186 min read
The Secret To Creating A Mindfulness Morning
I used to be the person who would hit snooze 100x, rush to get ready in the morning, multi-task like my life depended on it, and then hit...
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Guest Writer: Dr. James Yoon, ND
Mar 23, 20184 min read
Using Medicinal Herbs for Stress, Fatigue, and Anxiety
As a naturopathic doctor practicing in the downtown Toronto area, I've learned that stress is almost always a factor affecting my...
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Victoria Sabo, Individual & Youth Therapist
Nov 29, 20173 min read
The Irony of Trying to Control Your Thoughts
I invite you to participate in a brief exercise: For one minute, I want you to not think about a pink elephant. How’d it go? * * * While...
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