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Guest Writer: Dr. Donald Littlewood
Jan 28, 20203 min read
Chronic Pain & Mental Health
First of all, let me thank Clarinda Brandão for asking me to write this blog post. My name is Dr. Donald Littlewood and I am a...
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Jhanelle Peters, Student Therapist
Nov 12, 20192 min read
Slow Down
Finally, it’s the weekend! You made plans to jam pack the two days of the week where you get to put aside your 9-5. You hop in the car...
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Clarinda Brandao, Registered Psychotherapist
Jun 9, 20193 min read
How To Find The Right Therapist
With so many different forms of mental health support - it's sometimes hard to find the right therapist for you. There is no...
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Amy Capern, Student Therapist
Apr 25, 20195 min read
How To Develop Realistic Optimism
You have probably heard yourself or others say, “I’m an optimist” or “I’m a pessimist” as if being optimistic or pessimistic is a...
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Guest Writer: Allison Villa
Mar 3, 20197 min read
Here’s What I Wish Other Moms Knew About Postpartum Depression
My first year as a mother of two, was the hardest year of my life. It was the year that I didn’t recognize myself. The year that I felt...
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Amy Capern, Student Therapist
Feb 26, 20195 min read
Building Better Relationships, One Positive Moment at a Time
If, like me, you want to live a longer, healthier, happier life, then improving relationships is a great place to invest your time and...
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Rochelle Brandt, Student Therapist
Oct 19, 20183 min read
How Social Media May be Impacting Your Self-Esteem
“A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it, it just blooms” – Zen Shin With 24/7 access to all outlets of media, it...
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Rochelle Brandt, Student Therapist
Oct 1, 20183 min read
Is The Shift In Seasons Affecting Your Mood?
At one point or another, we have all experienced how the weather and change in seasons can affect our mood. Waking up on a dark, cold,...
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Rochelle Brandt, Student Therapist
Jun 21, 20182 min read
How To Support Someone who is Suicidal
Suicide is a common occurrence, yet we still don’t feel comfortable talking about it. Why is that? Over the past year, we have heard...
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Rochelle Brandt, Student Therapist
May 18, 20182 min read
Why Everyone Can Benefit from Psychotherapy (Including you!)
At some point in everyone’s life, there will come a time when we require extra support. Unfortunately, therapeutic support is often...
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Guest Writer: Sarah Marandi-Steeves
Apr 9, 20186 min read
The Secret To Creating A Mindfulness Morning
I used to be the person who would hit snooze 100x, rush to get ready in the morning, multi-task like my life depended on it, and then hit...
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Guest Writer: Dr. James Yoon, ND
Mar 23, 20184 min read
Using Medicinal Herbs for Stress, Fatigue, and Anxiety
As a naturopathic doctor practicing in the downtown Toronto area, I've learned that stress is almost always a factor affecting my...
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Victoria Sabo, Individual & Youth Therapist
Mar 14, 20183 min read
Sleep Hygiene For Anxiety & Depression
If you struggle with anxiety or depression, chances are you also struggle with getting a good sleep at night. In fact, sleep difficulties...
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Victoria Sabo, Individual & Youth Therapist
Nov 29, 20173 min read
The Irony of Trying to Control Your Thoughts
I invite you to participate in a brief exercise: For one minute, I want you to not think about a pink elephant. How’d it go? * * * While...
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Victoria Sabo, Individual & Youth Therapist
Oct 17, 20174 min read
Overcoming Guilt to Boost Motivation and Enjoyment for Exercise
We know exercise is good for both our physical and mental health. Yet, despite new year’s resolutions, the latest exercise tech, and...
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Victoria Sabo, Individual & Youth Therapist
Sep 9, 20173 min read
A Guide to Mindfulness in a Mind-Full Culture
Many would describe our culture as fast-paced, competitive, or goal-driven. Whether its completing school assignments, reaching work...
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Guest Writer: Catherine Asta Labbett
May 25, 20172 min read
Coping With Anxiety In A New Age of Terrorism
Waking up this morning to the news that the world woke up to was horrible. I have no words to explain why one person could choose to...
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Clarinda Brandao
Feb 16, 20172 min read
7 Ways To Start Your Morning Right
Mornings can be difficult for some of us; however, a good start to your morning helps layout your whole day. What most of us don't...
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Clarinda Brandão
Jul 16, 20162 min read
Being Grateful Helps The Mind
Can being grateful really help our mental health? Science tells us it can. Studies have proven over time the importance of being...
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Clarinda Brandão
Jul 4, 20162 min read
Separation Anxiety: Dear Parents Sending Their Kids Off To College
Most parents and guardians are throwing away their tissues from recently celebrating their child's graduation. But in the next couple of...
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